Client: corratec

Agency: IVORY

DIR: Fabian Carl

DOP: Jan Linnartz

Production: IVORY

VFX: Nicolas Pellkofer

Photography: Phil Pham

Feel the Rush: Dan Noyola’s Lanzarote Challenge on Corratec CCT EVO ULTRA

For the “CCT EVO Ultra – Speed Meets Design” project, we embarked on a cinematic journey to Lanzarote, capturing the essence of both the breathtaking landscape and the engineering masterpiece that is the CCT EVO Ultra road bike made by corratec. Filming on the volcanic terrain of Lanzarote provided a dramatic and compelling backdrop, perfectly complementing the bike’s sleek design and advanced features. The project aimed to showcase the bike in action, highlighting its superior performance and craftsmanship against the stunning vistas of the island.

The production involved a meticulous planning phase to synchronize the shooting schedule with the golden hours of sunrise and sunset, ensuring that each frame would accentuate the bike’s aesthetic appeal and the rugged beauty of Lanzarote. The use of high-speed camera technology allowed us to capture every detail of the CCT EVO Ultra in motion, from the precision of its gear shifts to the smoothness of its ride on challenging terrains.

Aerial shots provided a bird’s eye view of the bike as it navigated the winding roads, while VFX was subtly used to highlight the bike’s unique features and the synergy between rider and machine.

To elevate the cinematic experience further, an original soundtrack was specially composed for the film. This bespoke musical score was crafted to mirror the intensity and elegance of the CCT EVO Ultra, enhancing the emotional depth of the film and resonating with the audience on a more profound level. The soundtrack’s dynamic range, from stirring orchestral movements to pulsating electronic beats, paralleled the bike’s journey through Lanzarote’s diverse landscapes, adding an auditory layer to the visual spectacle.

The final product is not just a promotional video but a cinematic experience that transports viewers to Lanzarote and invites them to feel the rush of riding the CCT EVO Ultra, underscored by the unique and engaging soundtrack that accompanies every turn and acceleration.